Hi, my name is Alex Martinig
I'm a Developer.

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I'm an aspiring developer. Currently working as Digital Services Development and Support Manager for Calibre Audio, a national UK charity providing free audiobooks for anyone who finds it difficult to read print.

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The robofriends app was built using React and was part of 'The Complete Web Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery' course. It allows the user to scroll and search through their robot friends list.

See Live Source Code

Face Detection

This was built as part of the final project for The Complete Web Developer in 2023: Zero to Mastery course on Udemy.

The goal was to create and connect an API, frontend, backend and database together.

Built using React, Node.js, Postgresql and deployed on Render.

See Live Source Code

Project Title 2

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Excepturi neque, ipsa animi maiores repellendus distinctio aperiam earum dolor voluptatum consequatur blanditiis inventore debitis fuga numquam voluptate ex architecto itaque molestiae.

See Live Source Code
